
탈무드 임마누엘 14-유다 이스카리옷의 잘못(The Wrongdoings of Judas Iscariot)



 1.  It came to pass that Jmmanuel and his disciples went to Bethlehem, where he taught and instructed the people.

 1. 임마누엘과 그의 제자들이 베들레헴에서 사람들을 가르치고 그들에게 조언을 해주던 때의 일입니다.
 2.  However, Judas Iscariot had become disloyal to the teachings of Jmmanuel and lived only for his own gratification.
 2. 그러나 유다 이스카리옷은 임마누엘의 가르침을 충실히 따르지 않고 자기의 욕심만을 위해 살게 되었습니다.
 3.  Secretly, he was collecting from Jmmanuel's audiences, 
 3. 그는 임마누엘의 말씀을 듣고자 모인 사람들에게서 은밀히 금품을 거두었고, 

accumulating gold, silver and copper in his money bag so he could live vainly.

금, 은과 동전을 전대에 모아 그의 허영심을 충족시키며 살고자 하였습니다.
 4.  And it happened that Juda Ihariot, the son of Simeon, the Pharisee, informed Jmmanuel of Judas Iscariot's wrongdoings 
 4. 그러자 바리사이파 사람 시몬의 아들 유다 이하리옷이 그의 잘못된 행동을 임마누엘에 게 고자질하였습니다. 

since he hoped to be paid off for this.

그는 대가를 받고자 하였기 때문이었습니다.
 5.  But Jmmanuel thanked him and did not repay him with any gifts what ever, 
 5. 그러나 임마누엘은 고맙다고 말할 뿐 아무런 선물이나 대가도 그에게 주시지 않으므로, 

so Juda Ihariot thought of revenge, for he was greedy for gold, silver and goods.

유다 이하리옷은 그에게 앙갚음을 하고자 하였으니, 이는 그 또한 금, 은과 동전을 탐내었기 때문입니다.
 6.  But Judas Iscariot was led into the desert by Jmmanuel where, for three days and three nights, he taught him the concept of right and wrong, 
 6. 한편 유다 이스카리옷은 임마누엘에 의해 사막으로 인도되어 거기서 꼬박 사흘 동안 옳고 그른 것에 대한 개념을 배웠습니다. 

whereupon the disciple repented and forthwith followed the teachings of Jmmanuel.

그 결과, 그는 과거를 뉘우치고 진심으로 임마누엘의 가르침을 따르게 되었습니다.
 7.  When he returned to the city, he distributed all his possessions and collections among the poor and 
 7. 그는 베들레헴으로 돌아와서 자신의 모든 재산과 소유물들을 가난한 사람들에게 나누어 주었고, 

became a trusted disciple of Jmmanuel.

임마누엘의 신뢰받는 제자가 되었습니다.
 8.  However, at the same time it transpired that the writings, in which Judas Iscariot had reported on the teachings of Jmmanuel, were stolen from him. 
 8. 그러나 바로 그때, 그는 자신이 임마누엘의 가르침에 대해 줄곧 기록해 왔던 두루마리를 도난당하고 말았습니다. 

So he told Jmmanuel about it.

그리하여 그는 임마누엘에게 그 일을 보고하였습니다.
 9.  But he spoke, "Truly, truly, I say to you, Judas Iscariot, 
 9. 그러자 임마누엘은 말씀하셨습니다. "진실로, 진실로, 내가 유다 이스카리옷 그대에게 말합니다. 

you will have to suffer even greater evils than the mere loss of your writings about my teachings and my life.

그대는 다만 내 가르침과 삶에 대한 기록을 분실당한 것뿐만 아니라 그보다 훨씬 더 사악한 일들로 인해 고통을 당해야만 하게 될 것입니다.
 10. "For over two thousand years you will be wrongly accused of betraying me, 
 10. 왜냐하면 앞으로 이천 년 동안 그대는 나를 배반하였다는 그릇된 비난을 받게 될 것이기 때문입니다. 

because Simeon the Pharisee wants it so.

이는 바리사이파 사람 시몬이 그렇게 되기를 바라고 있기 때문입니다.
 11. "But his son, Juda Ihariot, is the real culprit; 
 11. 그러나 실제로는 그의 아들인 유다 이하리옷이 범인입니다. 

like his father, Simeon Ihariot, he is a Pharisee who seeks my life.

그 역시 아비인 시몬 이하리옷과 마찬가지로 내 생명을 노리는 바리사이파 사람 가운데 하나입니다.
 12. "It is he who stole the writings from you and brought them to the scribes and Pharisees, 
 12. 그대에게서 그 기록들을 훔쳐서 율법학자들과 바리사이파 사람들에게 가져다 준 자도 바로 유다 이하리옷이니, 

so they could thereby judge me and put me to death.

이는 그들이 그 기록을 근거로 나를 재판하고 죽일 수 있도록 하기 위해서입니다.
 13. "He received seventy pieces of silver for your writings and 
 13. 그는 그대가 기록한 두루마리의 대가로 은 일흔 냥을 받았고, 

will receive another thirty when he makes it possible to hand me over to the executors.

또 장차 나를 박해자들에게 넘기는 데 성공하고 나면 은 서른 냥을 더 받게 될 것입니다.
 14. "Truly, I say to you, he will certainly succeed in this, 
 14. 진실로 내가 그대에 게 말합니다. 그는 그 일에 분명히 성공할 것이며,

and for two times a thousand years you will innocently have to pay the penalty for it; consequently you will become a martyr.

또한 그대는 앞으로 이천 년 동안 그에 따른 대가를 무고하게 치를 것입니다. 그리하여 그대는 순교자가 될 것입니다.
 15. "But write down my teachings and my life story another time, for the time will come, in two times a thousand years, when your writings will be revealed.
 15. 그러나 내 가르침과 생애를 한 번 더 기록하시오. 왜냐하면 이천 년 내로 그대의 기록들이 드러날 때가 올 것이기 때문입니다.
 16. "Until then my teachings will be falsified and will turn into an evil cult, which will cause much human blood to flow,
 16. 그때까지 나의 가르침은 변조되어 한 사악한 종파가 될 것이니, 그로 말미암아 많은 피가 흐르게 될 것입니다.
 17. "because the people are still not prepared to comprehend my teachings and to recognize the truth.
 17. 왜냐하면 사람들에게는 내 가르침을 이해하고 진리를 깨달을 준비가 아직 되어 있지 않기 때문입니다."
 18. "Not until two times a thousand years will an unassuming man come who will recognize my teachings as truth and disseminate them with great courage.
 18. "내 가르침이 진리임을 인정하고 커다란 용기를 내어 이를 전파할 사람, 사람들에게는 별로 대단하지도 않게 보일 그 사람은 이천 년이 지나서야만 나타날 것입니다.
 19. "He will be vilified by the established cult religions and advocates of the false teachings about me, and be considered a liar.
 19. 그는 나에게 관한 그릇된 가르침에서 비롯된 종파들과 그 종파의 지지자들에 의해 중상 모략을 당하고 거짓말을 하는 자로 여겨질 것입니다.
20. "But you, Judas Iscariot will until then be innocently reviled as my betrayer and thus be condemned, as a result of the deceitfulness of the chief priests and the ignorance of the people.
 20. 그대 유다 이스카리옷 또한 그 사람이 나타날 때까지는 사제들의 사기 행위와 사람들의 무지로 인해서 나를 배신했다는 누명을 쓰고, 무고하게 헐뜯기고, 계속 비난당하게 될 것입니다.
 21. "But pay no attention to this, for the teaching of the truth demands sacrifices that must be made.
 21. 그러나 그런 것에 신경쓰지 마시오. 진리를 가르치려면 반드시 희생을 치를 것이 요구되기 때문입니다.
22. "The people are still not very great in their spirit, consciousness and knowledge. 
 22. 사람들은 그들의 영혼과 의식과 지식의 면에서 볼 때 아직 미약합니다. 

Therefore, they must first take upon themselves much guilt 

따라서 그들은 우선 스스로에게 많은 죄와 잘못을 저지를 수밖에 없습니다.

and error before they learn thereby to accumulate knowledge and wisdom, so as to recognize the truth.

그런 뒤에라야 비로소 지식과 지혜를 축적하는 것을 배우게 되어 진리를 깨달을 수 있게 될 것입니다."
 23. "For all of this to take place, however, and for the knowledge of the truth 
 23. "그러니, 나의 가르침과 생애를 한 번 더 기록하시오. 

to bring forth a rich harvest within people, write down my teachings and my life story once again. 

그렇게 함으로써 이 모든 일들로 하여금 발생하도록 하고, 사람들 사이에서 진리에 대한 깨달음이 풍성한 수확을 거둘 수 있도록 하시오. 

In this way, my teachings will be available for later generations and bear fruit to the truth.

그리하여 내 가르침이 후세에 전해져서 진리의 열매들을 맺을 수 있도록 하시오.
 24. "Remain with me from now on, follow me and faithfully carry out your duty as the transcriber of my teachings, namely the teachings of the laws of nature, which are the original laws of Creation.
 24. 이제부터 나와 같이 머무시오. 나를 따라 다니면서 자연의 법칙이며 관원적인 창조의 법칙이기도 한 나의 가르침을 기록하는 자로서 그대의 임무를 충실하게 수행하시오.
 25. "Never will there be a will greater than the will of Creation, which reveals itself through these laws.
 25. 창조의 의지보다 더 위대한 의지가 없나니, 그것은 법칙들을 통해 스스로를 드러냅니다.
 26. "But the laws of Creation have been valid for yesterday and today, and therefore for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and for all time.
 26. 또한 창조의 법칙은 어제와 오늘, 내일, 그리고 모레와 모든 시대를 통해서 적용되는 것입니다.
 27. "Thus the laws are also a determination and hence a predetermination for things of the future that must happen.
 27. 그러므로 반드시 그대로 나타나지 않으면 안 될 미래를 확정하고, 또한 미리 정하게 될 창조의 법칙들을 이행하도록 하시오."

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