'고등과학원'에 해당되는 글 12건
- 2020.01.27 고등과학원 유체역학 세미나(Bimodal vortex solutions on a sphere)
- 2020.01.26 고등과학원 유체역학 세미나(Singularity formation for 2D Boussinesq and 3D Euler equations with boundary and some related 1D models)
- 2020.01.25 고등과학원 유체역학 세미나(2D Euler equations with non-decaying vorticity and velocity)
- 2020.01.24 고등과학원 유체역학 세미나(Effect of compressibility in the reaction zone of a premixed flame and its implication to the Darrieus-Landau instability)
- 2020.01.23 고등과학원 유체역학 세미나(Jump discontinuities grazing corners and regularity of compressible Navier-Stokes flows)
- 2019.10.26 고등과학원 대중강연: 리만가설에 관하여
- 2019.09.03 고등과학원 세미나(기하와 대수 어느 것이 먼저인가?)
- 2019.08.05 [전자구조계산학회] Massive screening for cathode active materials using deep neural network
- 2019.08.04 [전자구조계산학회] Discovery of Organic Molecules with Artificial Intelligence
- 2019.08.03 [전자구조계산학회] ZnO composite nanolayer with mobility edge quantization
- 2019.08.02 [전자구조계산학회] Adatoms, Charge-Density-Wave, and Solitons in a Quasi-1D Metal: In/Si(111)-4×1
- 2019.08.01 [전자구조계산학회] Data Infrastructure for Data-driven Materials Science: NOMAD Laboratory and FAIRmat