
탈무드 임마누엘 7-판단의 정신(The Spirit of Judgement)



 1. "Judge not falsely, lest you be falsely judged.

 1. "그릇되게 판단하지 마시오. 이는 잘못 판단당하지 않기 위해서입니다.
 2. "For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged, 
 2. 그대들의 판단 기준으로 그대들 또한 판단될 것이요, 

and with whatever measure you measure, you will be measured.

그대들이 남들을 재는 자로써 그대들 또한 재어질 것이기 때문입니다. "
 3. "Judge according to the logic of the laws of nature, which are from Creation, 
 3. "창조가 주신 자연 법칙의 논리에 따라서만 판단하도록 하십시오. 

because only they possess its truth and correctness.

이는 오직 그것만이 진실과 정확함을 가지고 있기 때문입니다.
 4. "Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye and are not aware of the beam in your own eye?
 4. 그대들은 어찌하여 형제의 눈 속에 있는 티는 보면서, 자기의 눈 속에 들어 있는 대들보는 깨닫지 못합니까?
 5. "Or, how dare you say to your brother: 'Wait, I will take the splinter out of your eye!' And behold, 
 5. 또한 어떻게 당신이 형제에게 '잠깐 기다려라. 내가 네 눈 속의 티를 빼 주리라'고 말할 수 있습니까? 

there is a beam in your own eye.

오호라, 당신의 눈 속에는 대들보가 들어 있습니다.
 6. "You hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, 
 6. 그대 위선자들이여, 먼저 그대들 눈 속에 들어 있는 대들보를 빼내고, 

then see how you can take the splinter out of your brother's eye.

그 뒤에 형제의 눈 속에 있는 티를 어떻게 빼낼까를 생각하시오.
 7. "Learn first the laws of nature and of Creation, their logic, before you judge and condemn and wish to see the faults of your neighbor.
 7. 그대들이 이웃을 비판하고 심판하며 그들의 잘못을 알려고 하기 전에, 우선 자연과 창조의 법칙과 논리를 배우십시오.
 8. "Through the laws of nature and of Creation learn first how to recognize your own faults, 
 8. 자연과 창조의 법칙을 통해서 스스로의 잘못을 먼저 깨달으시오. 

so that you can then correct the faults of your neighbors.

그 다음에 그대 이웃들의 잘못을 바로 잡을 수 있도록 하시오.
 9. "You shall not give sacred things to the dogs, nor throw your pearls before the swine, 
 9. 그러나 신성한 물건을 개에게 주거나, 가지고 있는 진주를 돼지 앞에 던져 주어서는 안 됩니다. 

lest they trample them with their feet and turn on you and tear you apart.

이는 그것들이 그 물건을 짓밟고 그대들에게 달려들어 그대들을 해칠까 두렵기 때문입니다.
 10. "Truly, I say to you: Do not throw your spiritual treasure into the dirt and do not waste it on the unworthy, 
 10. 진실로 내가 그대들에게 말합니다. 그대들의 영적인 보물을 쓰레기 같은 자들에게나 가치 없는 자들을 위해 낭비하지 마시오.

because they will not thank you and will tear you apart, for their understanding is small and their spirit is weak.

그들은 고마워하기는커녕 그대들을 찢어 발겨 버릴 것이니, 이는 그들의 이해가 부족하고 영혼이 허약하기 때문입니다. "


Response to Prayer
기도에 대한 응답


 11. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
 11. "구하시오, 그러면 그대들이 얻을 것이오. 찾으시오, 그러면 그대들이 발견할 것이오. 두드리시오, 그러면 그대들에게 열릴 것입니다.
 12. "For whosoever asks of their spirit, will receive; and whosoever seeks through the power of their spirit, will find; and 
 12. 진심으로 스스로의 영혼에게 구하는 사람들은 받을 것이고, 그들의 영혼의 능력을 통하여 찾는 사람들은 발견할 것이며,

whosoever knocks at the door of their spirit, to that person will it be opened.

그들의 영혼의 문을 두드리는 사람들에게 그 문은 열릴 것이기 때문입니다.
 13. "Who among you would hand your son a stone if he asks for bread?
 13. 그대들 가운데 어느 누가 자기 아들이 빵을 원할 때 돌멩이를 주겠습니까?
 14. "Or offer him a snake if he asks for a fish?
 14. 아니면, 누가 자기 아들이 생선을 원할 때 뱀을 주겠습니까?
 15. "So if you, now, though being wicked, can nevertheless give your children good gifts, 
 15. 그대들이 사악함에도 불구하고 자기 자식들에게는 좋은 것을 주고자 하는 터에, 

how much more will your spirit give you, if you ask for it.

그대들의 영혼은 그대들이 구하는 것보다 얼마나 더 좋은 것을 주겠습니까?"
 16. "Everything that you wish people would do to you, do likewise to them.  
 16. "사람들이 그대들에게 해 주기를 바라는 모든 것을 사람들에게 행하십시오.
 17. "This is the law delivered through the prophets.
 17. 이것이 예언자들에 의하여 전해진 법칙입니다. "
 18. "Enter through the narrow portal.
 18. "좁은 문을 통해 들어가시오.
 19. "The portal is wide and the path is broad which leads to damnation, and many are those who travel thereon.
 19. 멸망으로 통하는 문과 길은 넓습니다. 또한 그 길로 가는 사람들은 많습니다.
 20. "And the portal is narrow and the way is slender which leads to life and knowledge, and there are only few who find it.
 20. 그러나 생명과 지식으로 향한 문과 길은 좁고, 발견하는 사람들은 불과 소수입니다.
21. "Beware of false prophets and scribes who come to you in sheep's clothing,  
 21. "거짓 예언자들과 율법학자들을 조심하시오. 그들은 양가죽을 쓰고 다가오나 실체는 굶주린 이리와 같아서, 

but inwardly are like ravenous wolves, preaching to you about submissiveness before shrines, false deities and gods, and

그대들에게 성소(聖所)와 가짜 신들과 또한 신들 앞에서 그대들 스스로를 비굴하게 낮출 것을 설교하고, 

preaching submissiveness to idols and false teachings.

우상들과 그릇된 가르침들에 굴종하라고 가르칩니다.
 22. "Beware of those who forbid you access to wisdom and knowledge, 
 22. 그대들이 지혜와 지식에 접근하고자 할 때 이를 막는 자들을 주의하시오. 

for they speak to you only to attain power over you and to seize your goods and belongings.

그들은 단지 그대들에게 영향력을 미침으로써 그대들의 재물과 소유물들을 차지하기 위해 말하는 것뿐입니다.
 23. "You will recognize them by their fruits.
 23. 그런 자들은 그들의 열매를 보면 알 수 있습니다.
 24. "Can one gather grapes from the thorns, or figs from the thistles?
 24. 가시나무가 포도를 맺고 엉겅퀴가 무화과를 맺을 수 있겠습니까?
 25. "Hence, every good seed brings forth a good harvest, but a rotten seed brings forth a bad harvest.
 25. 좋은 씨앗은 많은 수확을 맺고, 좋지 않은 씨앗은 나쁜 수확을 초래하거니와,
 26. "A good tree can never bear bad fruit, and a rotten tree can never bear good fruit.
 26. 좋은 나무가 나쁜 열매를 맺을 수 없고, 나쁜 나무가 좋은 열매를 맺을 수 없습니다.
 27. "Thus, by their fruits you will recognize them.
 27. 그러므로 그들이 맺는 열매로써 그들을 알게 되는 것입니다."
 28. "Therefore, whosoever hears these words of mine and acts upon them will be like an intelligent man who built his house on the rock.
 28. "따라서, 나의 말을 듣고 그대로 행하는 사람들은 누구든지 자기의 집을 반석 위에 짓는 현명한 사람과 같습니다.
 29. "Now when a downpour fell and the waters came and the winds blew and beat upon the house, it did not fall because it was founded on rock.
 29. 폭우가 쏟아져 홍수가 나고 바람이 불어 집을 몰아치더라도 그 집은 굳건하여 무너지지 않을 것이니, 이는 그 집이 바위 위에 기초를 세웠기 때문입니다.
 30. "Whosoever hears these words and does not act upon them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
 30. 그러나 나의 이 말들을 듣고도 이에 따라서 행하지 않는 사람들은 누구든지 모래 위에 집을 짓는 어리석은 사람들과 같습니다.
 31. "When a downpour came and the waters and the winds beat upon the house, it collapsed and great was its fall."
 31. 폭우가 쏟아져서 홍수가 나고, 바람이 불어서 집을 몰아칠 때에 그 집은 무너질 것이니, 크게 몰락하게 될 것입니다. "
 32. It happened that after Jmmanuel had finished his talk, the people were shocked by his teachings.
 32. 임마누엘이 말씀하시기를 마치시니, 사람들은 그의 가르침에 대해 크게 놀랐습니다.
 33. He taught with authority a new doctrine unlike that of the scribes.
 33. 이는 그가 그네들의 율법학자들이 가르치는 것과는 다른 새로운 교리를 권위있게 가르치셨기 때문이었습니다.


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Posted by skywalker222