
탈무드 임마누엘 4-임마누엘의 비밀(Jmmanuel's Arcanum)



 1.  From this day on, Jmmanuel no longer lived among the sons and daughters of these Earth humans.

 1. 이 날부터 임마누엘은 지구상의 인간들 가운데에 살지 않으셨습니다. 
 2.  Jmmanuel was lifted up from the Earth, and no one knew where he had been taken or what had happened to him.
 2. 임마누엘은 땅에서 들어 올려졌는데, 그리고는 그가 어디로 가셨는지 또 그에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 아무도 몰랐습니다. 
 3.  But then he was set down by the metallic light between North and West, in a place 
 3. 그러나 그때 임마누엘은 그 금속성의 빛에 의해 북서쪽의 어딘가에 내려졌는데, 

where the guardian angels had received guidelines by which they were to evaluate the site for the chosen ones.

그 곳은 수호 천사들이 선택된 자들을 위한 장소를 측량하기 위해 측량자를 받았던 곳이었습니다. 
 4.  Thus, he lived for forty days and nights between the winds of the North and the West, where he received the arcanum of knowledge.
 4. 이리하여 그는 북쪽과 서쪽의 바람들 사이에서 사십 주야를 살면서 지식의 비밀을 전수받았습니다. 
 5.  During this instruction period he spent his days with the wise saints of god and the guardian angels, the celestial sons.
 5. 그동안에 그는 신의 지혜로운 성자들과 수호천사들, 곧 하늘의 아들들과 나날을 보내었습니다. 
 6.  They taught him the wisdom of knowledge.
 6. 그들은 그에게 지식의 지혜를 가르쳤으며, 
 7.  They taught him about the dominion of god over terrestrial humans and over his celestial sons.
 7. 그에게 이 인류와 하늘의 아들들에 대한 신의 지배를 가르쳤고, 
 8.  They also explained to him the omnipotence of the Creation of the universes.
 8. 모든 우주들을 창조하신 창조의 전능에 대해 설명하였고, 
 9.  They also taught him about the immortality of the spirit through rebirth.  
 9. 또한 환생을 통한 영혼의 불멸성에 대하여 그에게 가르쳤습니다. 
 10.  There he saw the initial forefathers, the saints of ancient times, 
 10. 그 곳에서 그는 고대의 성자들이었던 선조들을 보았는데, 

who were the celestial sons and the fathers of the terrestrial humans.

그들은 인류의 조상들인 하늘의 아들들이었습니다. 
 11. From there he went to the North towards the ends of the Earth, 
 11. 그 곳에서 임마누엘은 지구의 끝에 있는 북극으로 갔습니다. 

where the metallic lights and chariots of fire came down from the sky or shot upwards with a singing sound, enveloped in smoke and fire.

그 곳에서는 그 금속성의 빛들과 불수레들이 하늘로부터 돌진해 들어오거나, 소리를 내고 있거나, 연기와 불에 뒤덮힌 채 하늘로 쏘아 올려지고 있었습니다. 
 12.  There, at the ends of the entire Earth, he saw a great and marvellous wonder.
 12. 그 곳에서, 지구 전체의 끝에서, 그는 위대하고 경이로운 불가사의를 보았습니다.   
 13.  In that place he saw the celestial portals open, of which there were three different ones.
 13. 그는 하늘의 문들이 열리는 것을 이 곳에서 보았는데, 세 가지의 다른 하늘의 문들이 있었습니다.        
 14.  The celestial portals radiated in the most brilliant Zohar an area as large as the lifeless sea on the river Jordan.* (*Zohar: Radiant splendor of Creational energy.)
 14. 하늘의 문들은 요르단 강 근처의 사해만큼이나 거대한 지역을 가장 밝은 빛으로 비추고 있었습니다. 
 15. Actually gleaming therein was the entire land of Israel, alive and true, humans and animals and everything that was there.
 15. 그 안에 실제로 비치고 있는 것은 실제로 살아 있는 사람들과 동물들, 그리고 거기 있는 모든 것이 다 나타나 있는 이스라엘의 전 지역이었습니다. 
 16. In this first celestial portal, no secret was concealed, 
 16. 이 첫 번째의 하늘 문 속에서는 감추어진 비밀이란 없었습니다. 

because the Zohar entered into the smallest spaces in the cottages and revealed the last intimate detail.

이는 그 밝은 빛이 농가의 가장 작은 방 안까지 들어가서 숨어 있는 가장 마지막 것까지도 들추어내기 때문이었습니다. 
 17. Inside the second celestial portal, there rose mighty mountains, whose peaks reached into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.
 17. 두 번째의 하늘 문 속에는 굉장히 높은 산들이 솟아 있었는데, 이 산들의 꼭대기들은 하늘에 닿아 구름 속으로 들어가 있었습니다. 
 18. Far below lay deep masses of snow, at whose edges a different, brown skinned human population built their huts.
 18. 그 멀리 산 아래로는 눈이 깊이 쌓여 있는데, 그 끝자락에는 피부가 갈색인 다른 인종이 오두막을 지어 놓았습니다. 
 19. The third celestial portal revealed a land of gigantic dimensions, mountainous and interspersed with rivers, lakes and seas, where yet another human population dwelled.
 19. 세 번째의 하늘 문은 거대한 면적의 땅을 보여 주고 있었는데, 그 곳은 무수한 산과 강들, 호수들과 바다들이 산재해 있었으며 또한 다른 인종들이 그 곳에 살고 있었습니다.   
 20. Not far from these three celestial portals had been built the palace of god, the ruler of these terrestrial humans and of those who had traveled from afar, the celestial sons, the guardian angels.
 20. 이 세 문들로부터 얼마 떨어지지 않은 곳에 이 인종들과 하늘의 아들들 또는 수호천사라 불리는 멀리서 여행해 온 존재들을 지배하는 분이신 신(神)의 궁전이 있었습니다. 
 21. In his palace, god ruled over the three human lineages created by him and over his following, the celestial sons.
 21. 그의 궁전에서 신은 자신이 창조한 세 인종들과 그의 수하인 하늘의 아들들을 다스리고 계셨습니다. 
 22.  He was immortal, ancient and of giant size like the celestial sons.
 22. 그는 불멸의 존재이고, 나이가 굉장히 많으셨으며, 하늘의 아들들처럼 체격이 매우 크셨습니다. 
 23.  In the palace of god, there appeared to Jmmanuel two very tall men, 
 23. 신의 궁전 안에서 키가 매우 큰 두 사람이 임마누엘에게 나타났는데, 

the likes of whom he had never seen on Earth.

임마누엘은 지구상에서 그들과 비슷한 사람을 본 적이 없었습니다. 
 24. Their faces shone like the sun, and their eyes looked like burning torches. From their mouths issued fire. 
 24. 그들의 얼굴은 해처럼 빛났고, 눈은 타오르는 횃불과 같았습니다. 그들의 입으로는 불이 뿜어져 나왔습니다.

Their clothing resembled a covering of foam, and their arms were like golden wings.

그들의 옷은 거품의 막과 비슷했고, 그들의 팔들은 황금 날개들과 같았습니다. 
 25.  They inhabited an environment of their own, because the air of this earthly world would have been fatal for them.
 25. 그들은 그들 자신의 세계에서 살았는데, 이는 이 지구 세계의 대기가 그들에게 맞지 않으므로 그들이 죽을 것이기 때문이었습니다. 
 26. These two men from the constellation of the seven stars were venerable teachers, 
 26. 일곱 별의 성좌에서 온 이들 두 남자는 존경할 만한 스승들이었는데 

and they were together with two smaller men who said that they were from Baawi.

바아위에서 왔다고 하는 그들보다 작은 두 남자가 그들과 같이 있었습니다.    
 27. They said: "People have come from the heavens to Earth, and other people have been lifted from Earth into the heavens; 
 27. 그들이 말했습니다. "어떤 사람들은 하늘로부터 지구로 왔고, 다른 어떤 사람들은 지구로부터 하늘로 들어올려졌습니다.

the people coming from the heavens remained on Earth for a long time, and they created the intelligent human lineages.

그리고 하늘로부터 온 사람들은 지구에 오랫동안 머물면서 지성적인 인종들을 창조해 왔습니다. 
 28. "Behold, humans begotten by the celestial sons were different in a unique way from other people on Earth.
 28. 들으시오, 하늘의 아들들에 의해서 태어난 인간들은 어떤 특정한 점에 있어서 지구상의 다른 인간들과는 달랐습니다.
 29. "They were not like Earth humans but like the children of the celestial angels, and of a different kind.
 29. 그들은 지구상의 인간들과 같지 않았고, 다른 종족인 하늘의 아들들의 아이들과 같았습니다. 
 30. "Their bodies were white as snow and red as the rose blossom, 
 30. 그들의 신체는 눈처럼 하얗고 장미꽃처럼 붉으며, 

their hair at the top of the head white as wool and their eyes beautiful.

그들의 머리털은 양털처럼 희고 그들의 눈은 아름다웠습니다. 
 31. "Earth humans will now retain their inherited beauty and propagate it further.
 31. 인류는 이제 그들이 물려받은 아름다움을 간직하게 될 것이며, 그 형질을 후대에까지 물려주게 될 것입니다. 
 32. "But in the course of centuries and millennia they will mix with other human populations and the heavens, so as to generate a new humankind and special lineages, as the celestial sons did with the Earth people.
 32. 그러나 수백 년, 수천 년이 지나는 동안에 그들은 지구와 하늘의 다른 종족들과 피를 섞게 됨으로써, 

하늘의 아들들이 지구상의 사람들과 그랬던 것처럼, 새로운 인간의 종족과 특별한 혈통을 만들어 내게 될 것입니다.  
 33. "Jmmanuel, you are an informed insider, begotten from among our ranks by a celestial son.
 33. 임마누엘, 우리와 같은 지위에 있던 당신은 이 비밀에 참여하여 한 하늘의 아들에 의해 태어났습니다. 
 34. "With your knowledge you will make the impossible possible and 
 34. 당신은 당신의 지식을 활용하여 불가능한 것을 가능한 것으로 만들고, 

accomplish things that Earth humans will deem miraculous. 

인간들이 기적으로 간주할 일들을 이루어 낼 것입니다. 
 35. "You know the power of the spirit, but beware of abusing it.
 35. 당신은 영혼의 권능을 알고 있습니다. 그러나 그것을 남용하지 않도록 조심하십시오.  
 36. "Your own wisdom and the knowledge obtained through us should contribute to the well-being of humankind, 
 36. 당신 자신의 지혜와 우리를 통해 얻은 지식은 인류의 복리에 이바지하게 될 것입니다. 

though the road leading thereto will be very difficult for them and for you.

그러나 그리로 향한 길은 그들과 당신에게 매우 험난할 것입니다. 
 37. "You will be misunderstood and denounced, 
 37. 당신은 오해를 받게 될 것이고 또 버림을 받게 될 것입니다. 

because Earth humans are still ignorant and addicted to delusionary beliefs.

그 이유는 인간 종족들이 아직 무지하고 미신에 젖어 있기 때문입니다. 
 38. "They believe that god is Creation itself and not the ruler of the celestial sons and these human lineages.
 38. 그들은 신을 창조 그 자체로 믿으며, 신이 하늘의 아들들과 이들 인류의 지배자임을 믿지 않고 있습니다. 
 39. "Earth people attribute to him the omnipotence of Creation and glorify him as Creation itself.
 39. 지구의 인종들은 신을 창조처럼 전능하다고 믿고, 또한 그를 창조 그 자체로 찬양하고 있습니다. 
 40. "But god is a human being, like all the celestial sons and the terrestrial humans, 
 40. 그러나 신도 모든 하늘의 아들들이나 지구상의 인간들과 마찬가지로 사람에 불과합니다. 

except that he is vastly greater in consciousness than they are.

단지 그들보다 의식 면에서 대단히 더 위대한 것뿐입니다. 
 41. "Creation, however, is of immeasurably higher standing than god, the lord over the celestial sons and terrestrial humans, because Creation is the immeasurable enigma.
 41. 그러나 그에 비해 창조는 하늘의 아들들과 인류의 주인인 신보다도 헤아릴 수조차 없을 만큼 높은 곳에 계시니, 창조는 헤아릴 수 없는 비밀 그 자체입니다. 
 42. "Jmmanuel, you will also be slandered as god and as his only begotten son, 
 42. 임마누엘, 사람들은 또한 당신을 신이라고, 또한 그의 유일한 아들이라고 모욕할 것이며, 

and you, too, will be equated with the mysterious Creation.

신에 대해 그랬듯이 당신 또한 불가사의한 창조와 동등한 존재로 조작될 것입니다.
 43. "Do not heed these false teachings, however, 
 43. 그럼에도 불구하고 당신은 이러한 그릇된 가르침들을 마음에 두지 말아야 합니다. 

because millennia will pass before the people of these human lineages are capable of recognizing the truth.

왜냐하면 앞으로 수천 년이 지난 뒤에라야 이 인류가 진리를 깨달을 수 있을 것이기 때문입니다. 
 44. "Much human blood will be shed because of you, including your own and that of countless generations.
 44. 수많은 사람들이 당신으로 인해 피를 뿌릴 것이며, 당신도 수많은 세대들과 마찬가지로 피를 흘리게 될 것입니다. 
 45. "Notwithstanding, fulfill your mission as the king of wisdom, as the son of Gabriel, the celestial son.
 45. 그러나 굴하지 말고, 당신은 지혜의 왕으로서 또한 하늘의 아들인 가브리엘의 아들로서 당신의 사명을 완수하십시오. 
 46. "The law for your creation was issued in the name of god, so that you may serve as prophet and pioneer of wise knowledge for these human lineages.
 46. 신의 이름으로 당신을 창조하여, 이들 인류를 위한 지혜의 예언자로서 또한 지혜의 선구자로서 봉사할 수 있도록 하라는 명령이 내려졌습니다. 
 47. "Fulfill your mission unperturbed by the irrationality and all false teachings of the scribes and Pharisees, and despite the disbelieving people.
 47. 불합리와 불신자들의 면전에서, 율법학자들과 바리사이파 사람들의 그릇된 가르침의 면전에서 당신의 사명을 침착하게 완수하십시오.
 48. "Hence, following the fulfilment of your mission, centuries and two millennia will pass before the truth of the knowledge you brought to the people will be recognized and disseminated by a few humans.
 48. 지금부터, 당신이 사명을 완수한 뒤로도 이천 이백 년이 지나서야 당신이 사람들에게 전해 준 지식의 진리를 몇몇 사람들이 깨닫고 퍼뜨릴 것입니다. 
 49. "Not until the time of space-traveling machines will the truth break through and gradually shake the false teachings that you are the son of god or Creation.
 49. 우주를 여행하는 기계들의 시대가 오기 전에는, 진실이 밝혀져서 당신이 신 또는 창조의 아들이라는 그릇된 가르침이 서서히 흔들리는 일은 없을 것입니다. 
 50. "And this will be the time when we celestial sons begin to reveal ourselves anew to Earth humans, 
 50. 그러나 그때는 우리 하늘의 아들들이 또다시 우리 스스로를 인류에게 드러내기 시작할 것입니다. 

when they will have become knowing and will threaten the structure of the heavens with their acquired power."

그들이 하늘들의 구조를 알기 시작했을 것이고, 그들이 성취한 능력을 가지고 하늘들의 구조를 위협하기 시작할 것이기 때문입니다. "        
 51.  Thus they spoke, the celestial sons between the North and the West, before bringing Jmmanuel in the metallic light back to Israel, to the land of Galilee.
 51. 그들, 북과 서 사이에 있던 하늘의 아들들은 그렇게 말하고 임마누엘을 그 금속성의 빛 속에 태워 이스라엘의 갈릴레아 땅으로 다시 데리고 왔습니다. 
 52.  When Jmmanuel heard that John the Baptist had been imprisoned, he left the town of Nazareth, 
 52. 세례자 요한이 감옥에 갇혔다는 소식을 들은 임마누엘은 나자렛 마을을 떠나, 

came to and lived in Capernaum, which lies by the sea in the land of Zebulon and Naphtali.

즈불론과 납달리 땅의 호숫가에 있는 가파르나움에 와서 사셨습니다. 
53.  From that time onward Jmmanuel began to preach, saying, 
 53. 그때부터 임마누엘은 다음과 같이 가르치기 시작하셨습니다.
"Repent and turn to the truth and knowledge, because they alone bring you life!"
 "회개하고 진리와 지식으로 향해 돌아서시오. 진리와 지식만이 그대들에게 생명을 가져다 줄 것이기 때문입니다. " 
 54.  When Jmmanuel went by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew, his brother, casting their nets into the sea because they were fishermen.
 54. 임마누엘이 갈릴레아 호숫가를 지나가실 때, 베드로라 하는 시몬과 그의 동생 안드레아 두 형제가 호수에 그물을 던지고 있는 것을 보셨습니다. 그들은 어부였습니다. 
 55.  And he said to them, 
 55. 그가 그들에게 말씀하셨습니다. 
"Follow me; I will teach you knowledge and make you fishers of people.
"나를 따라 오시오. 내가 그대들에게 지식을 가르쳐서 사람을 낚는 어부가 되도록 하겠소." 
 56.  Thereupon, they left their nets and followed him.
 56. 그들은 그 자리에서 그물을 버리고 그를 따랐습니다. 
 57.  As he went on, he saw two other brothers, Jacob, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother, in the boat along with their father, Zebedee, mending their nets.
 57. 임마누엘은 계속 가시다가 다른 두 형제, 곧 야고보와 동생 요한이 그들의 아버지 제베데오와 함께 배에서 그물을 고치고 있는 것을 보았습니다. 
 58.  And he called them.
 58. 그리고 그가 그들을 부르셨습니다. 
 59.  Forthwith they left the boat and their father, and followed him.
 59. 그들도 배와 아버지를 떠나서 곧바로 그를 따랐습니다. 
 60.  Jmmanuel went about in the entire land of Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the knowledge of the spirit, and healing all diseases and infirmities among the people.
 60. 임마누엘은 회당에서 가르치거나 영혼의 지식을 전파하고 사람들의 모든 질병과 허약함을 고치면서 거의 온 갈릴레아 땅을 다니셨습니다. 
 61.  News of him spread through the entire land of Syria, 
 61. 그의 소식이 시리아의 온 지역에 퍼졌습니다. 

and they brought to him all the sick afflicted with various diseases and torments, the possessed, the lunatics, and the paralytics; 

그러자 사람들은 모든 병자와 귀신들린 자들과 몽유병 환자, 중풍 환자들과 각종 질환과 고통으로 괴로워하는 사람들을 그에게로 데려왔습니다. 

and he made them well.

임마누엘은 그들을 다 낫게 하셨습니다. 
 62.  And many people followed him--from Galilee, from the Decapolis, from Jerusalem, from the land of Judea and from beyond the Jordan.
 62. 그리고 갈릴레아, 데카폴리스, 예루살렘과 유대 땅과 요르단 강 너머로부터 온 많은 사람들이 그를 따랐습니다.


탈무드 임마누엘 영문판 주소: https://plain2.tripod.com/tj.txt

Posted by skywalker222