
탈무드 임마누엘 3-세례자 요한(John the Baptist)



 1.  In due course, John the Baptist came to the edge of the wilderness and preached at the banks of the Jordan.

 1. 세례자 요한이 황야의 끝에 있는 요르단 강 둑에서 설교를 했던 적이 있었습니다.      
 2.  John the Baptist preached of baptism in accordance with the old laws of god, 
 2. 그는 신의 옛 율법에 따라서 세례 받을 것을 설교하였으니, 

according to which the way to knowledge was to be prepared.

이는 신의 옛 율법에 따라 지식으로 향한 길이 마련되어야만 하기 때문이었습니다.
 3. He preached that god's laws shall be followed because he is the sole ruler of this human lineage.
 3. 그는 신이 이 인류의 유일한지배자이기 때문에 인간은 신의 율법을 따라야만 한다고 가르쳤습니다. 
 4. He preached that above god, however, stands Creation, the source of the worlds, universes and all living creatures.
 4. 그러나 그는 신이 최상의 존재가 아니라 신 위에는 이 세상과 우주와 살아 있는 모든 것들을 만드신 존재인 창조가 계심을 가르쳤습니다. 
 5. And so he taught that the genderless Creation is the mystery of all mysteries; death and life, light and darkness, being and non-being.
 5. 그리고 그는 성(性)의 구별조차 없는 창조야말로 삶과 죽음, 빛과 어두움, 존재와 비존재 등 모든 비밀 중의 비밀임을 가르쳤습니다. 
 6.  And so he taught once again that god, the lord and ruler of this human lineage and of those who travelled from afar, the celestial sons, holds Creation in high esteem. 
 6.또한 그는 이 인류와 멀리서부터 온 하늘의 아들들의 주님이며 지배자이신 신 역시 창조를 높이 받든다는 것을 가르쳤습니다. 
 7.  All Judea and all the people of Jerusalem went forth to John the Baptist, 
 7. 유대와 예루살렘의 모든 사람들이 세례자 요한에게로 나아가 

acknowledging the wisdom of the old laws of god, and let themselves be baptized by him in the river Jordan.

신의 옛 법도를 인정하고 요르단 강에서 그에게 세례를 받았습니다. 
 8.  John wore a garment made from camel's hair and a leather belt around his loins. 
 8. 요한은 낙타의 털로 만든 옷을 입고 허리에는 가죽띠를 매었으며, 

His food consisted of locusts and wild honey.

메뚜기와 야생꿀로 양식을 삼았습니다. 
 9.  While he was baptizing many of the people, many Pharisees and Sadducees came to him who humiliated him with malicious talk.
 9. 그가 많은 사람들에게 세례를 주고 있을 때, 바리사이파 사람들과 사두가이파 사람들이 여럿 와서 심술궂은 말로 그를 비웃었습니다. 
 10.  But John the Baptist spoke, "You brood of vipers, who told you that you will escape from future wrath, once your false teachings are revealed?
 10. 그러자 세례자 요한이 말하였습니다. "너희 독사의 후손들아. 일단 너희들의 그릇된 가르침이 간파되고 나면, 장차 닥쳐올 화로부터 너희가 어떻게 벗어나려고 하느냐? 
 11. "See to it that you bear righteous fruit of repentance and learn the truth.
 11. 너희는 제대로 회개를 하고 진리를 배우려고 힘쓰도록 하라. 
 12. "Turn away from the evil of your false teachings, which you carry out with arrogance and pursuant with your greed for power and fortune.
 12. 너희가 교만과 권력에 대한 추구와 탐욕 때문에 그릇된 가르침을 행하는 그 사악함으로부터 돌아서도록 하라.
 13. "Do not think just of saying to each other, 'We have Abraham as father.  
 13. 너희는 '우리의 조상이 아브라함이라'고 서로 간에 말할 생각조차도 하지 말라. 
 14. "I say to you, with his knowledge and his power, god is able to raise up children to Abraham out of these stones, 
 14. 내가 너희에게 이르노니, 신께서 하고자만 하시면 자신의 지식과 능력으로 이 돌들로부터도 아브라함에게 자식들을 만들어 주실 수 있느니라.

because he has knowledge of the mystery of Creation.

그는 창조의 비밀을 아시기 때문이니라. 
 15. "Already the axe has been laid at the root of the trees. 
 15. 이미 나무들의 뿌리마다 도끼가 놓여져 있느니라. 

Therefore, any tree that does not bring forth good fruit will be hewn down and thrown into the fire.

그러니, 좋은 열매를 맺지 않는 나무는 어느 것이든지 베어져서 불 속에 던져지리라. 
 16. "You brood of vipers, in two times a thousand years you and your followers, who pursue false teachings out of your own arrogance in your greed for power and fortune, shall be vanquished and, on account of your lies, punished.
 16. 너희 독사의 후손들아. 권세와 탐욕의 동기가 되는 너희들의 자만심에서 비롯된 그릇된 가르침을 계속하는 너희와 너희 후손들은 이천 년 내로 처벌을 받게 될 것이고 너희의 거짓말들은 허물어질 것이니라. 
 17. "So it shall be when humankind begins to comprehend, and when the chaff is separated from the grain.
 17. 그때는 인류가 깨닫기 시작하여 알곡과 쭉정이를 구분하기 시작할 것이며, 
 18. "It will be at the time when your false teachings will be laughed at and humankind discovers the truth.
 18. 그때 너희의 거짓된 가르침은 비웃음을 당할 것이며 인류는 진리를 발견할 것이니라.  
 19. "This will come to pass when humankind builds singing lights and chariots of fire, with which they can escape into the cosmos, as is done by god and his followers, the celestial sons,
 19. 또한 그때는 신과 그의 수하들인 하늘의 아들들처럼 인간들이 우주 바깥으로 이동할 수 있는 소리를 내는 빛들과 불수레들을 만들 때일 것이니라. 
 20. "namely those who taught us the wisdom and knowledge of Creation, 
 20. 신과 그의 수하들은 우리에게 창조의 지혜와 지식을 가르쳐 주었으며 , 
 21. "and who urged us to obey the laws of nature and live according to them.
 21. 그들은 또한 우리로 하여금 자연의 법칙에 순종하고 그 법칙에 따라 살도록 강조하느니라. 
 22. "Oh you renegades, you brood of vipers, get away from this place, 
 22. 오, 너희 배반자들아, 너희 독사의 후손들아. 이곳으로부터 물러가라. 

because you are impure and cursed in your false teachings.

너희는 불순하고 너희의 그릇된 가르침으로 인해 저주를 받았기 때문이니라. 
 23. "Get away from this place, because I can by my own accord baptize you into repentance only with water; 
 23. 여기에서 썩 물러나거라. 나는 단지 내 뜻에 따라 물로 세례를 주어 회개토록 할 따름이기 때문이니라. 

but he who comes after me is stronger than I, and I am not worthy of removing his sandals. 

그러나 내 뒤에 오실 분은 나보다 훨씬 강하셔서, 나는 그의 신을 벗겨드릴 자격도 없느니라. 

He will baptize you with the knowledge of the spirit and with the fire of truth.

그 분이 영혼의 지식과 진리의 불로써 너희에게 세례를 주시리라.    
 24. "He has his winnowing fork in his hand; he will sweep his threshing floor and gather the wheat into his granary, but he will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire.
 24. 그는 손에 쇠스랑을 들고 계시니, 타작마당을 정리하여 알곡은 모아 곳간에 저장하되, 쭉정이는 영원히 꺼지지 않는 불로 태워 버리실 것이니라. 
 25. "The lie can never withstand the truth, which destroys evil in its fire." 
 25. 거짓은 결코 진리를 이겨낼 수 없느니라. 진리는 자신의 불길로 악을 태워 버리느니라. "        
 26.  As John the Baptist thus spoke, behold, Jmmanuel of Galilee then approached John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him.
 26. 세례자 요한이 그렇게 말하고 있을 때에 갈릴레아의 임마누엘이 요르단 강 에 있는 그에게로 와서 세례를 받고자 하였습니다. 
 27.  John, however, refused him and spoke, “It is I who need to be baptized by you 
 27, 이에 요한이 그를 거절하면서 말하였습니다. "나는 당신에게 세례를 받을 필요가 분명히 있습니다. 

because you possess greater knowledge than I. And you come to me?"

왜냐하면 당신이 나보다 더 위대한 지식을 가지고 있기 때문입니다. 그런데 어떻게 내가 당신에게 세례를 주겠습니까?" 

 28.  But Jmmanuel answered him, "let it happen so now, 
 28. 그러나 임마누엘이 그에게 말씀하셨습니다. "지금은 그렇게 하도록 하십시다. 

because it is fitting for us to fulfill all justice, since we are both sons of the Earth."

우리 둘 다 이 땅의 아들들이므로 모든 정의를 완수하는 것이 우리에게 타당합니다. " 
 29.  So John consented and baptized him.
 29. 그러자 요한이 동의하고 그에게 세례를 주었습니다. 
 30.  When Jmmanuel had been baptized, he soon came out of the water of the Jordan, and behold, a metallic light fell from the sky and rushed over the Jordan.
 30. 임마누엘이 세례를 받고 요르단 강에서 나오자 곧 한 금속성의 빛이 하늘에서부터 떨어지더니 급경사를 그리며 요르단 강 위로 내려 왔습니다. 
 31.  Consequently they all fell on their faces and pressed them into the sand while a voice from the metallic light spoke:
 31. 그리고 그 금속성의 빛으로부터 한 목소리가 말하는 동안 사람들은 모두 고개를 떨군 채 모래 위에 몸을 엎드리고 있었습니다. 
 32. "This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased. 
 32. "이 사람은 내가 내 사랑하는 아들이며 내가 그에 대해 매우 기꺼워하고 있느니라. 

He will be the king of truth, through which terrestrial humans shall rise as wise ones.

그는 이 인류를 지식으로 끌어올릴 진리의 왕이 되리라. " 
 33.  Behold, after these words Jmmanuel entered into the metallic light, 
 33. 이 말이 끝난 뒤에 임마누엘이 그 금속성의 빛 속으로 들어가시자, 

which climbed into the sky, surrounded by fire and smoke, and passed over the lifeless sea, 

그것이 불과 연기에 둘러싸여 하늘로 올라가더니 사해를 넘어가 버렸고 

as the singing of the metallic light soon faded away.

금속성의 빛이 내는 울리는 소리도 곧 사라졌습니다. 
 34.  After that, Jmmanuel was no longer seen for forty days and nights.
 34. 그 뒤로 임마누엘은 사십 일 동안 어디에서도 보이지 않으셨습니다.    


탈무드 임마누엘 영문판 주소: https://plain2.tripod.com/tj.txt

Posted by skywalker222